- Plymouth, New Hampshire Census Data
The total population of Plymouth is 9,000. 4,500 of those are Male (50.00 %) and 4,500 are Female (50.00 %).
In Plymouth, New Hampshire 25.2 is the median age.
Population by age in Plymouth, New Hampshire:
Under 5: 4.31 %
Ages 5 - 9: 5.18 %
Ages 10 - 14: 5.94 %
Ages 15 - 19: 15.04 %
Ages 20 - 24: 19.31 %
Ages 25 - 34: 9.00 %
Ages 35 - 44: 11.80 %
Ages 45 - 54: 12.57 %
Ages 55 - 59: 4.26 %
Ages 60 - 64: 3.34 %
Ages 65 - 74: 5.02 %
Ages 75 - 84: 3.34 %
Over 85: 0.88 %
Plymouth Statistical DataTotal Area in Plymouth, NH.: 92.12 Square Miles.
Land Area: 86.97 Square Miles.
Water Area: 5.15 Square Miles.
Plymouth elevation: 157 Ft.
Economic Data for Plymouth, New Hampshire:
Employment Data:5,134 are employed in Plymouth, NH.
450 are unemployed in Plymouth.
Household Income Data for Plymouth, New Hampshire:Income per household breakdown is as follows:
Earning under $10,000 yearly: 257
Earning $10,000.00 - $14,999 yearly: 206
Earning $15,000 - $24,999 yearly: 446
Earning $25,000 - $34,999 yearly: 357
Earning $35,000 - $49,999 yearly: 584
Earning $50,000 - $74,999 yearly: 561
Earning $75,000 - $99,999 yearly: 237
Earning $100,000 - $149,999 yearly: 182
Earning $150,000 - $199,999 yearly: 43
Earning $200,000 or more yearly: 60
$39,694.00 is the Median Annual Family Income in Plymouth.
Analysis of School Enrollment in Plymouth:4,075 people over the age of 3 are enrolled in school in Plymouth, New Hampshire.
Of the total enrolled:
123 children in Plymouth are attending Nursery School.
47 children are enrolled in Kindergarten in Plymouth.
901 children go to Primary School in Plymouth
396 youths in Plymouth are enrolled in Secondary School.
2,608 individuals attend college in Plymouth, New Hampshire.
1,269 received a High School diploma or GED.
898 have had some college.
308 have an AA Degree in Plymouth.
903 have a Bachelors Degree in Plymouth.
Drug Rehab Centers in Plymouth
Drug and alcohol treatment facilities in Plymouth provide a solution to drug abuse and addiction problems, and have helped many addicts and alcoholics confront addiction head on and overcome it. Drug or alcohol rehabilitation options in Plymouth can vary, and the first step of recovery is choosing the drug and alcohol treatment facility in Plymouth that is most appropriate case by case. those needing help can simply talk to a professional addiction counselor at any of the drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities in Plymouth who can inform them of their treatment options and help answer any questions or concerns they might have.
Some drug treatment centers in Plymouth may not be appropriate for a person battling a long-term dependence to alcohol or drugs. For instance, an outpatient drug and alcohol rehab program in Plymouth offers short-term programs in a flexible setting where the addict can pretty much go on with their daily routines. An outpatient drug and alcohol treatment center might work for individuals whose recovery needs aren't extensive or who don't have a physical dependence to the substance. For many reasons however, an outpatient rehab center would not be an effective solution for a person battling a long-term dependence to drugs or alcohol.
Residential long-term drug or alcohol rehabilitation facilities in Plymouth however are a long-term addict's best bet at recovery. Residential drug and alcohol rehab programs in Plymouth enable the addict or alcoholic to be in a protected atmosphere, not one that was triggering their addiction. They can be in a drug free environment where they can concentrate on recovery and not on other distractions. Residential drug or alcohol treatment can take a number of months to as long as a year in some cases. But the time taken to undergo treatment is not what addicted individuals should focus on. It takes time to achieve results that will be lasting, and residential drug treatment centers in Plymouth offer the individual a real shot at a happy, productive life free from addiction.
Long-term drug use makes individuals physically dependant to these substances. This physical dependence brings about a number of physical withdrawal symptoms when the person abruptly quits using drugs or alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can be incredibly unpleasant and painful, and can cause the individual to relapse back into drug or alcohol use if detoxification is attempted outside of a professional drug treatment facility. While enrolled in a Plymouth drug rehab program however, addicted individuals can bemonitored and assisted through this process as a component of their recovery program, where they can benefit from the experienced treatment and support to get through detoxification and the withdrawal process to safely overcome it.
After the detox process, drug and alcohol treatment programs in Plymouth focus on delivering life skills and coping methods so they can apply these skills to handle their issues instead of turning to drug or alcohol use. This places the individual back in a position of power in their life where they can finally begin to prosper and accomplish their goals. The around the clock treatment and help that is offered to them can be invaluable. The ultimate goal of treatment received from a Plymouth drug or alcohol rehab facility would be the person being able to be in control of his choices in life and being able to overcome obstacles without the need or desire to use drugs.
Locate treatment from a Plymouth drug or alcohol treatment center now. Don't wait until it is too late. Discover which treatment option is going to be the most effective for you by speaking with an experienced substance abuse counselor in Plymouth now.
- Mount Prospect Academy
Mount Prospect Academy is located at 354 Main Street Plymouth, NH. 3264.
Mount Prospect Academy can be contacted by calling 603-536-1102.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Criminal Justice Clients, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Genesis Behavioral Health
Genesis Behavioral Health is located at 599 Tenney Mountain Highway Plymouth, NH. 3264.
Genesis Behavioral Health can be contacted by calling 603-524-1100.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Horizons Counseling Center
Horizons Counseling Center is located at 258 Highland Street Plymouth, NH. 3264.
Horizons Counseling Center can be contacted by calling 603-536-2010.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - HALO Educational Systems (18.8 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
HALO Educational Systems is located at 44 Roberts Road Canaan, NH. 3741.
HALO Educational Systems can be contacted by calling 603-523-8804.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance - Genesis Behavioral Health (22.6 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Genesis Behavioral Health is located at 85 Spring Street Laconia, NH. 3246.
Genesis Behavioral Health can be contacted by calling 603-524-1100.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance - Lakes Region General Hospital (22.6 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Lakes Region General Hospital is located at 80 Highland Street Laconia, NH. 3246.
Lakes Region General Hospital can be contacted by calling 603-524-3211.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Hospital Inpatient, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Bradford Farm House (22.8 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Bradford Farm House is located at 1740 Lower Plain Bradford, VT. 5033.
Bradford Farm House can be contacted by calling 802-222-4477.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Horizons Counseling Center (23.3 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Horizons Counseling Center is located at 25 Country Club Road Gilford, NH. 3249.
Horizons Counseling Center can be contacted by calling 603-524-8005.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Merry Meadow Farm (24.1 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Merry Meadow Farm is located at 366 Upper Plain Bradford, VT. 5033.
Merry Meadow Farm can be contacted by calling 802-222-4445.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services
Payment Options: Self Payment - Valley Vista (24.2 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Valley Vista is located at 23 Upper Plain Bradford, VT. 5033.
Valley Vista can be contacted by calling 802-222-5201.
Treatment Services: Detoxification, Methadone Maintenance, Methadone Detoxification, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Hospital Inpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Clara Martin Center (24.2 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Clara Martin Center is located at 1483 Lower Plain Road Route 5 Bradford, VT. 5033.
Clara Martin Center can be contacted by calling 802-222-4477.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Criminal Justice Clients, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - Franklin Regional Hospital (24.3 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Franklin Regional Hospital is located at 15 Aiken Avenue Franklin, NH. 3235.
Franklin Regional Hospital can be contacted by calling 603-934-2060.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Hospital Inpatient, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Headrest Inc (28.3 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Headrest Inc is located at 14 Church Street Lebanon, NH. 3766.
Headrest Inc can be contacted by calling 603-448-4872 x102.
Treatment Services: Halfway House, Outpatient, Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days)
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance - Dartmouth Hitchcock Psychiatric Assoc (28.5 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Dartmouth Hitchcock Psychiatric Assoc is located at 85 Mechanic Street Lebanon, NH. 3766.
Dartmouth Hitchcock Psychiatric Assoc can be contacted by calling 603-653-1860.
Treatment Services: General Health Services, Detoxification, Outpatient, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - West Central Behavioral Health (28.5 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
West Central Behavioral Health is located at 85 Mechanic Street Lebanon, NH. 3766.
West Central Behavioral Health can be contacted by calling 603-448-1101.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - Friendship House at Woodsville (28.9 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Friendship House at Woodsville is located at 6 Church Street Woodsville, NH. 3785.
Friendship House at Woodsville can be contacted by calling 603-747-2535.
Treatment Services: Outpatient, DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale - White River Junction VA Medical Center (31.4 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
White River Junction VA Medical Center is located at 215 North Main Street White River Junction, VT. 5009.
White River Junction VA Medical Center can be contacted by calling 802-295-9363 x5760.
Treatment Services: General Health Services, Detoxification, Outpatient, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Hospital Inpatient, Women
Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - White River Junction VAMC and (31.4 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
White River Junction VAMC and is located at 215 North Main Street White River Junction, VT. 5009.
White River Junction VAMC and can be contacted by calling 802-295-9363 x5760.
Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Hospital Inpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Gays and Lesbians
Payment Options: Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment - West Lebanon Comprehensive Trt Center (32 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
West Lebanon Comprehensive Trt Center is located at 254 Plainfield Road West Lebanon, NH. 3784.
West Lebanon Comprehensive Trt Center can be contacted by calling 888-997-5494.
Treatment Services: Detoxification, Methadone Maintenance, Methadone Detoxification, Outpatient, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men
Payment Options: Medicaid, Military Insurance, Self Payment - Tri County Community Action Prog Inc (33.8 miles from Plymouth, New Hampshire)
Tri County Community Action Prog Inc is located at 2957 Main Street Bethlehem, NH. 3574.
Tri County Community Action Prog Inc can be contacted by calling 603-869-2210 x14.
Treatment Services: Halfway House, Outpatient, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), DUI/DWI Offenders
Payment Options: Medicaid, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale