New Hampshire Drug Rehab and Treatment Facilities

New Hampshire Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Centers

  • Raymond, New Hampshire Census Data
  • The total population of Raymond is 9,666. 4,838 of those are Male (50.05 %) and 4,828 are Female (49.95 %).

    In Raymond, New Hampshire 34.4 is the median age.

    Population by age in Raymond, New Hampshire:

    Under 5: 7.03 %
    Ages 5 - 9: 7.48 %
    Ages 10 - 14: 9.18 %
    Ages 15 - 19: 7.96 %
    Ages 20 - 24: 5.07 %
    Ages 25 - 34: 14.21 %
    Ages 35 - 44: 21.07 %
    Ages 45 - 54: 13.55 %
    Ages 55 - 59: 4.36 %
    Ages 60 - 64: 3.16 %
    Ages 65 - 74: 4.00 %
    Ages 75 - 84: 2.27 %
    Over 85: 0.66 %

    Raymond Statistical Data
    Total Area in Raymond, NH.: 29.74 Square Miles.
    Land Area: 28.94 Square Miles.
    Water Area: 0.80 Square Miles.
    Raymond elevation: 58 Ft.

    Economic Data for Raymond, New Hampshire:

    Employment Data:
    5,438 are employed in Raymond, NH.
    75 are unemployed in Raymond.
    Household Income Data for Raymond, New Hampshire:
    Income per household breakdown is as follows:
    Earning under $10,000 yearly: 236
    Earning $10,000.00 - $14,999 yearly: 122
    Earning $15,000 - $24,999 yearly: 260
    Earning $25,000 - $34,999 yearly: 551
    Earning $35,000 - $49,999 yearly: 616
    Earning $50,000 - $74,999 yearly: 1,084
    Earning $75,000 - $99,999 yearly: 367
    Earning $100,000 - $149,999 yearly: 218
    Earning $150,000 - $199,999 yearly: 27
    Earning $200,000 or more yearly: 0
    $48,829.00 is the Median Annual Family Income in Raymond.

    Analysis of School Enrollment in Raymond:
    2,697 people over the age of 3 are enrolled in school in Raymond, New Hampshire.
    Of the total enrolled:
    211 children in Raymond are attending Nursery School.
    66 children are enrolled in Kindergarten in Raymond.
    1,399 children go to Primary School in Raymond
    664 youths in Raymond are enrolled in Secondary School.
    357 individuals attend college in Raymond, New Hampshire.
    2,292 received a High School diploma or GED.
    1,445 have had some college.
    593 have an AA Degree in Raymond.
    495 have a Bachelors Degree in Raymond.
Name: Type of Treatment:
Email: Drug Abused
Phone: Describe the Situation:

Drug Rehab Centers in Raymond

Drug and alcohol rehab programs in Raymond provide a way out of the life of addiction, and have assisted thousands of addicted individuals confront addiction and fully recover. Drug or alcohol rehab options in Raymond can vary, and the very first step of recovery is deciding on the drug treatment facility in Raymond that makes the most sense case by case. Addicted individuals can simply talk toan experienced substance abuse counselor at any of the drug treatment centers in Raymond who can explain to them of their options and resolve any questions they might have.

Some drug and alcohol rehab programs in Raymond may not be suitable for a person suffering with a long-term addiction to alcohol or drugs. For example, an outpatient drug treatment program in Raymond provides short-term services in a flexible setting where the addict or alcoholic can for the most part carry on with their everyday activities. An outpatient drug and alcohol treatment facility might work for individuals whose treatment needs aren't extensive or who don't have a dependence problem. For a number of reasons however, an outpatient rehab program would not be an effective treatment choice for a person battling a long-term dependence to drugs or alcohol.

Residential long-term drug rehabilitation facilities in Raymond however are a long-term addict's best chance at treating addiction. Residential drug and alcohol rehab facilities in Raymond allow the addict or alcoholic to be in a protected atmosphere, not one that was triggering their addiction. They can be in a drug free setting where they can focus on treatment and not on other problems. Residential drug or alcohol treatment can take several months to as long as a year in some cases. But the time taken to undergo treatment is not what the addict or alcoholic should focus on. It takes time to achieve a successful recovery, and residential drug rehabilitation centers in Raymond give addicts and alcoholics a real shot at long-term sobriety.

Long-term drug or alcohol use makes people physically dependant to these substances. This physical dependence brings about a set of physical withdrawal symptoms when the addict abruptly quits using drugs or alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can be extremely unpleasant and painful, and can cause the addict to relapse back into drug or alcohol use if detox is attempted outside of a qualified drug rehab center. While enrolled in a Raymond drug rehab facility however, individuals can besupervised and supported through this process as a component of their rehab program, where they can take advantage of experienced treatment and support to get through detoxification and the withdrawal process to safely overcome it.

After the detox process, drug rehabilitation centers in Raymond focus on providing life tools and coping skills so they can use these skills to resolve their problems instead of turning to drugs. This puts the individual back in in control of their life where they can finally begin to win and achieve their ambitions. The 24 hour treatment and support that is available to them can be priceless. The end result of treatment received from a Raymond drug or alcohol rehabilitation center would be the person being able to be in control of his choices in life and being able to overcome obstacles without the desire to escape through the use of drugs.

Get treatment from a Raymond drug rehab facility now. Don't wait around until it is too late. Discover which rehab program is going to be the most effective for you by talking to an experienced substance abuse counselor in Raymond now.

Here are the local and nearby listings for Raymond, New Hampshire:
  • CLM Behavioral Health (10.7 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    CLM Behavioral Health is located at 10 Tsienneto Road Derry, NH. 3038.
    CLM Behavioral Health can be contacted by calling 603-434-1577.
    Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Center for Life Management (11.1 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Center for Life Management is located at 10 Tsienneto Road Derry, NH. 3038.
    Center for Life Management can be contacted by calling 603-434-1577.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Hampstead Hospital (11.3 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Hampstead Hospital is located at 218 East Road Hampstead, NH. 3841.
    Hampstead Hospital can be contacted by calling 603-329-5311.
    Treatment Services: Detoxification, Outpatient, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Hospital Inpatient, Adolescents, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
    Payment Options: Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Gunderson Residence (11.4 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Gunderson Residence is located at 5 Spruce Street Lee, MA. 1238.
    Gunderson Residence can be contacted by calling 888-657-5699.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services
    Payment Options: Self Payment
  • Easter Seals (12 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Easter Seals is located at 1 Mammoth Road Manchester, NH. 3109.
    Easter Seals can be contacted by calling 603-623-8863.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services
    Payment Options: Medicaid
  • Manchester VAMC (12 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Manchester VAMC is located at 718 Smyth Road Manchester, NH. 3104.
    Manchester VAMC can be contacted by calling 603-624-4366.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults
    Payment Options: Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Commons at WestBridge (12.1 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Commons at WestBridge is located at - - - Manchester, NH. 3104.
    Commons at WestBridge can be contacted by calling 603-634-4446.
    Treatment Services: Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Men
    Payment Options: Self Payment
  • Elliot Hospital (12.3 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Elliot Hospital is located at 1 Elliot Way Manchester, NH. 3103.
    Elliot Hospital can be contacted by calling 603-669-5300.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Hospital Inpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Seniors/Older Adults, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Mental Health Center of (12.3 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Mental Health Center of is located at 401 Cypress Street Manchester, NH. 3103.
    Mental Health Center of can be contacted by calling 603-668-4111.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Manchester Metro Treatment Center (13.1 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Manchester Metro Treatment Center is located at 228 Maple Street Manchester, NH. 3103.
    Manchester Metro Treatment Center can be contacted by calling 603-622-5005.
    Treatment Services: Detoxification, Methadone Maintenance, Methadone Detoxification, Outpatient, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, Spanish
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Self Payment
  • James J Foster Associates Ltd (13.2 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    James J Foster Associates Ltd is located at 540 Chestnut Street Manchester, NH. 3101.
    James J Foster Associates Ltd can be contacted by calling 603-668-7744.
    Treatment Services: Outpatient
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Pine Haven Boys Center (13.2 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Pine Haven Boys Center is located at 133 River Road Suncook, NH. 3275.
    Pine Haven Boys Center can be contacted by calling 603-485-7141.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Spanish, Other Languages
    Payment Options: Medicaid
  • NH Div Alcohol Drug Abuse Prev and (13.3 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    NH Div Alcohol Drug Abuse Prev and is located at 15 Brook Street Manchester, NH. 3104.
    NH Div Alcohol Drug Abuse Prev and can be contacted by calling 603-836-5145.
    Treatment Services: Halfway House, Residential Long-Term Treatment (more than 30 days), Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, Men, Criminal Justice Clients
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale
  • WestBridge Community Services (13.3 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    WestBridge Community Services is located at 1361 Elm Street Manchester, NH. 3101.
    WestBridge Community Services can be contacted by calling 603-634-4446.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders
    Payment Options: Self Payment
  • Manchester Comprehensive Trt Center (13.4 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Manchester Comprehensive Trt Center is located at 20 Market Street Manchester, NH. 3101.
    Manchester Comprehensive Trt Center can be contacted by calling 844-878-7394.
    Treatment Services: Detoxification, Methadone Maintenance, Methadone Detoxification, Outpatient, Pregnant/Postpartum Women, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Spanish
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Counseling Center of Nashua (13.4 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Counseling Center of Nashua is located at 24 Front Street Exeter, NH. 3833.
    Counseling Center of Nashua can be contacted by calling 603-778-2005.
    Treatment Services: Outpatient
    Payment Options: Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Bresnahan and Ball Counseling Services (13.5 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Bresnahan and Ball Counseling Services is located at 1 Commons Drive Londonderry, NH. 3053.
    Bresnahan and Ball Counseling Services can be contacted by calling 603-965-6477.
    Treatment Services: Outpatient, Adolescents, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Seniors/Older Adults, Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment
  • Seacoast Mental Health Center (13.8 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Seacoast Mental Health Center is located at 30 Prospect Avenue Exeter, NH. 3833.
    Seacoast Mental Health Center can be contacted by calling 603-772-2710.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale
  • Farnum Center (13.9 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Farnum Center is located at 140 Queen City Avenue Manchester, NH. 3103.
    Farnum Center can be contacted by calling 603-622-3020.
    Treatment Services: Detoxification, Outpatient, Residential Short-Term Treatment (30 days or less), Women, Men, DUI/DWI Offenders, Spanish
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance
  • Southern New Hampshire Medical Ctr (14.7 miles from Raymond, New Hampshire)
    Southern New Hampshire Medical Ctr is located at 29 NW Boulevard Nashua, NH. 3063.
    Southern New Hampshire Medical Ctr can be contacted by calling 603-577-5721 x5701.
    Treatment Services: Mental Health Services, Outpatient, Hospital Inpatient, Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders, Persons with HIV/AIDS, Gays and Lesbians, Seniors/Older Adults, ASL or Other Assistance For Hearing Impaired, Spanish, Other Languages
    Payment Options: Medicaid, Medicare, Military Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Self Payment, Sliding Fee Scale, Payment Assistance